Praza   25/05/2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “CHow would it be a town that was really designed by its inhabitants, in a truly participatory process and that met the real needs of the majority? What would a city look like built to inhabit, to walk, to be and to live and not just to go and come from home to work and school, and from the gym to the mall? What would a city designed for boys and girls look like? There are many movements that have been calling for more humane urban spaces that focus on pedestrians and not motor vehicles. In some cases, boys and girls are given a leading role in this reflection; firstly because they will be the ones who will inhabit these cities and towns in the future, and secondly because they are the ones who occupy and make the most of these spaces in the present: places to play or travel on foot.”


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