

sketching your village

knowing MALPICA

The aim of ‘A Vila da Mañá’ is to change the model of town or city, we believe that another one can be possible. This is achieved through the protagonist participation of local children and adolescents who, by working with fundamental concepts through tactical urban planning actions, become active citizens capable of transforming their spaces.

In this case, the village is worked on, like its habitat, its game board to be discovered. Understanding its structure, conformation, morphology, its voids and its fillings, its history, its traditions, and its symbolic and immaterial issues is essential to be able to reflect on how they move from one site to another, the routes, the points important where the lives of the girls, boys and teenagers of the community develop.

Negamos a consideración do espazo público como un chan cun uso especializado, non se sabe se verde ou gris, se é para circular ou para estar, para vender ou para comprar, cualificado unicamente por ser de “dominio público” aínda que sexa á vez un espazo residual ou baleiro. É a cidade no seu conxunto a que merece a consideración de espazo público. […]. O espazo público concibido tamén como instrumento de redistribución social, de cohesión comunitaria, de autoestima colectiva. E asumir tamén que o espazo público é espazo político, de formación e expresión de vontades colectivas, o espazo da representación pero tamén do conflito. Mentres haxa espazo público, hai esperanza de revolución, ou de progreso.

Jordi Borja

Color your village

The city/town we are working in has become a playground, an experimental laboratory in which children and teenagers can act from a new point of view.

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