

transforming the city


The aim of ‘A Vila da Mañá’ is to change the model of town or city, we believe that another one can be possible. This is achieved through the protagonist participation of local children and adolescents who, by working with fundamental concepts through tactical urban planning actions, become active citizens capable of transforming their spaces.

In this case, work is done with the line as a necessary tool, with this the transformative action of the spaces is encouraged, modifying the streets, and filling them with colour, being a new place to play and generating a new identity.

“The geometric line is an invisible entity. It is the trace that the point leaves when it moves and is therefore its product. It arises from the movement when the total rest of the point is destroyed. We made a leap from static to dynamic. […] Such is the straight line, which in its tension constitutes the simplest form of the infinite possibility of movement.”


Colorea a túa Cidade

A cidade/vila na que estamos traballando convertida nun campo de xogos, laboratorio de experimentación no que os nenos e os adolescentes poidan actuar dende un novo punto de vista.

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