São Paulo

“The streets, parks and squares, emptied of children, materialized these fears into real threats, because where there are no children, there is no need to create and maintain spaces suitable for the little ones. In addition to this, the radical transformation suffered by the cities that saw their streets turn into spaces dedicated mainly to cars. These changes, in the reality of contemporary urban environments, represent challenges for families with young children. How will these children relate, today and in their adult life, with this condition of the collective space cleared out of identity and affective meaning? How many opportunities for development and interaction are being missed? “

Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima, Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb


childhood as a vulnerable group in the city

“How can we recover our cities? … How can we do so that our identity is not lost? … How could the city be the meeting place and exchange again? … How can we recover the city as our place? … And what to do so that children have space on our streets? … These are the questions that lead us to create the project “A Vila do Maña”.

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