Santiago de Compostela


framing your city


The aim of ‘A Vila da Mañá’ is to change the model of town or city, we believe that another one can be possible. This is achieved through the protagonist participation of local children and adolescents who, by working with fundamental concepts through tactical urban planning actions, become active citizens capable of transforming their spaces.

In this case it works with perception, that of the body itself and the environment that surrounds them. Understanding how they perceive their town, we try to provoke in girls, boys, and teenagers a new vision of everyday spaces, seeking to break with the familiar and so that they can see the same places with different eyes.

“Those who have designed, administered and governed them have done so without completing those other dimensions (making one-dimensional cities based on production) and that the definitions of the RAE ignore, and the principle of action has prevailed over their understanding of reality. These cities conceive public space as the space that allows us to get to work from home, without asking if for some the street is synonymous with relationship and encounter and for others it entails exposure and risk”

Izaskun Chinchilla

Colorea a túa Cidade

A cidade/vila na que estamos traballando convertida nun campo de xogos, laboratorio de experimentación no que os nenos e os adolescentes poidan actuar dende un novo punto de vista.

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